Classes suitable for young peopleOnline and in class
Monday 16.30 - 17.45 - Foundations
Thursday - 18.00 - 19.15 - Strength
Saturday - 8.30-9.45 am - Strength
Yoga is just the right thing for every young person. You may not know it but you have incredible advantages compared to people over 21.
Take this opportunity and go for it. Push yourself just the one first time and let yourself be inspired and motivated to continue. It is so good for you. You will finally learn how to inhabite your body and mind - be in charge of YOU.
Monday and Saturday: balance, flexibility, strength, patience and concentration.
Wednesday: Smooth and soothing.
No need to know much about yoga but you need to have a bit of courage and will and be open-minded.
Flexible or not - you can participate.
We move through the body experiencing yoga from the strengthening side without deviating from the principles of yoga - sthira - sukham. We work with the breathing and use pranayama as a natural part of the teaching.
Meditation and pranayama is only taught in one-to-one classes or occassionally in workshops.
Bring your mat.
Are you a teenager in distress. Have a look at this site - it may help!